Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland is a decorated Green Beret and has served his country in the Special Forces for 11 years. Now, the United States Army is kicking him out because he got into a physical altercation with an Afghan police commander who is suspected of raping a boy and beating up his mother.
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Barry has children to rape??? He agrees to let these rapes continue
I’m really pissed about this.
I guess our government doesn’t care about the right thing being done, by one of our troops.
Dammed shame that our pretend Prez won’t back you…. Dammed shame
just remind me later and he would be reinstated
What the hell is wrong military. Rap their kids and see what they do. Be new ball game then. Me I do my best to kill or but them in jail for life.
You go Beret power to ya
Even $#%&!@* stood up for his men.
how much more are we gonna take!! WE have to defend our children
Should have stood on the rapist’s throat for maybe an hour or two!