Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland is a decorated Green Beret and has served his country in the Special Forces for 11 years. Now, the United States Army is kicking him out because he got into a physical altercation with an Afghan police commander who is suspected of raping a boy and beating up his mother.
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pediphiles are excepted in Muslim religion soldiers are not allowed to say anything very much against the Bible we as Americans cannot tolerate such things! Women are abused by this religion seems all is for the men and women are not worth much to them.
why are we bringing these people to America and why are we sending our soldiers over there? Help the Christians and that is all we should do!
Americans used to be the ones that fought and exterminated evil. Now we tolerate it and try not to offend…bah…
yes its coming, read the bible….
probably likes camels and donkeys too.
If you can’t stand for something, you will fall for anything!
and sheep
Schela Howell better than Michelle
Must be an Obama thing
Probably really likes the black sheep with head dress