It is larger and more destructive than any army. An astonishing 35 million migrants are heading for Europe, according to Hungary’s minister for foreign affairs and trade Peter Szijjártó. The besieged country is scrambling to erect a second fence to halt migrants heading across its border. It is predicted the current crisis is only beginning. It could last for years. Can they hold out against the onslaught? More concerns on the next page:
The Bilderberg Group is the one responsible for this and most of the worlds problems. Wish they could be stopped some how!
Sorry but they need to stop them any way they can. Send back to where they come from
To bad they encouraged them.
Here’s the solution.
Saudi Arabia is already equipped to help this people.
And, sharia law is already there waiting for them!
Liberal thinking and PC bleeding hearts claiming humanitarian bs is the cause of this. If the world doesn’t wake up and realize what Muslims are trying to accomplish they will take over. They need to be executed as they hit shores of any country.
This is what I don’t understand. If they hate their country so bad that they want to get away why do those of them who are in this country want to change this country to be more like theirs?
Look out Obama will bring them here…
turn them back. It is that simple. Turn them back.
But the imam said go forth and spread the words of Mohammed. Doesn’t much matter if Europe cannot afford to pay. These folks are capable of simply taking the money from Europeans.