The Army is giving 13,000 armored military trucks to local police departments across the country in the latest move to militarize our police forces.
These are vehicles of WAR, and they are now going to be used on American streets.
Each of these trucks cost $500,000, and the Army is giving them away for free.
How does this sound as a plan…if you’re a Communist, America-hating politician or corrupt global corporation/banker (that owns the politicians):
– Get some wars started and make a killing from the military contracts and pocket a lot of the ‘loose money’ that floats around
– Destroy the economy with all the military spending, derivative schemes, money printing, etc you can muster
– Once the wars start to wind down bring all those military vehicles, paid for by taxpayers, onto American streets to prep for the economic collapse you created and the ensuing martial law
Sounds pretty neat and tidy…
Shaped charge..problem solved!
I want one.
Wake up people there is a war in are streets of America, The police can’t handle it as it has in the past. Read your local papers people are dieing, along with policemen,firemen& EMS people.
Why is the army or DOD wasting so much money, since they have to do all these cuts?
So obvious… reminds me of the movie quote… “Build it and it will come.” ?
In the long sad history of bad idea’s, this could be one of the worse. During WW2 the Russians destroyed the cream of German armor with magnetic bombs and Molotov $#%&!@*tails. Not to mention with the economic conditions in this country at the moment, who is going to pay for the maintenance of these vehicles? On top of that these pieces of c**p get about three miles to the gallon. So I guess the latest plan by the powers that be is to not only bankrupt the Federal government but State and Local government as well. Obama the gift that keeps on giving.
Infantry, (you), have been taking out tanks since I they first appeared on battlefields. Obama wants a war within the US…think and pick the righrvteam, because I fear there will be no mercy.
The truck can only protect jack booted thugs for so long. They will come out, then all hell will break loose.
They are not FREE! The American taxpayers paid for them and they are using them against us!