The Army is giving 13,000 armored military trucks to local police departments across the country in the latest move to militarize our police forces.
These are vehicles of WAR, and they are now going to be used on American streets.
Each of these trucks cost $500,000, and the Army is giving them away for free.
How does this sound as a plan…if you’re a Communist, America-hating politician or corrupt global corporation/banker (that owns the politicians):
– Get some wars started and make a killing from the military contracts and pocket a lot of the ‘loose money’ that floats around
– Destroy the economy with all the military spending, derivative schemes, money printing, etc you can muster
– Once the wars start to wind down bring all those military vehicles, paid for by taxpayers, onto American streets to prep for the economic collapse you created and the ensuing martial law
Sounds pretty neat and tidy…
one shot to the radiator, good.
I Need One so If I Have to face Down Police I can Meet Them on Equal Terms, Police do not have no More right to Military Equipment Than Civilians, BS! If They carry Auto matic Weapons Then Civilians Need To Have same Since when Does POLICE Have MILITARY LAW
I have been telling anyone who’ll listen about this for some time now. Through military like training and political indoctrination and radicalization, our police across the country are being turned into cells of paramilitary Gestapo like groups. They are being given military grade weapons and vehicles and the training to use it. I believe this is all part of Obamas plan to have the National Police Force he said was needed when he ran for President the first time. Police brutality incidents are happening more and more all the time and the severity of the damage done has increased dramatically, including many deaths. Some states are passing unconstitutional anti gun laws, like Connecticut, and the citizens are refusing to comply. Now the police are saying they are going to go house to house and confiscate weapons and arrest the owners. I don’t think I need to tell anyone what’s going to happen there. Some states are passing laws nullifying all federal gun laws in the state, mine, (Idaho) is one of them. The law states, any federal officers trying to enforce federal gun laws in the state are subject to arrest, prosecution, and imprisonment. I don’t know how this will work out but they are serious. We need to be ready to stand with our elected officials and our County Sheriffs against the feds, and take back our States Rights.
Police don’t need that type of protection unless their soldiers but their not and what are crowds going to do to harm you in a armored truck hell even riot gear the police don’t need this type of equipment Obama is trying to be a dictator and he can try to but Americans well over throw him
So guthrie, shawnee, jones and many more in oklahoma have these but I tell ya easy as hell to disable if you know how…
And we get to pay for the gas
ovomit is all for givin away free $#%&!@*, I’ll take me one of them vehicles…bring it to me full of gas too!
every one should read this and believe it!!