The Army is giving 13,000 armored military trucks to local police departments across the country in the latest move to militarize our police forces.
These are vehicles of WAR, and they are now going to be used on American streets.
Each of these trucks cost $500,000, and the Army is giving them away for free.
How does this sound as a plan…if you’re a Communist, America-hating politician or corrupt global corporation/banker (that owns the politicians):
– Get some wars started and make a killing from the military contracts and pocket a lot of the ‘loose money’ that floats around
– Destroy the economy with all the military spending, derivative schemes, money printing, etc you can muster
– Once the wars start to wind down bring all those military vehicles, paid for by taxpayers, onto American streets to prep for the economic collapse you created and the ensuing martial law
Sounds pretty neat and tidy…
I will bet the farm Hussein Obama and the U.N. are behind this little illegal movement
Gee the new American future, no not democracy.
Government is just waiting to declare martial law, Then all hell will break loose!!
There getting ready, for what’s to come. Civil war, federal government take over. Fema camps,
So we tax payers are paying for our own oppression. …agreed paul & fernando.
its going to get very bloody
POLICE STATE! It’s coming soon to an America near you! This is no joke people! WAKE UP BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!
Impeachment will be great, if we get it. But it’s slow. In case man fails, pray that God will remove obama.
THIS YEAR: COLLAPSE of the dollar, and I suspect WW3. We are in the RAPIDS NOW, SHEEPLE!!
WAKE UP AMERICA obomber with his love for the muslim brotherHOODs may be coming around your corner of the town sooner than anyone expects. He is a minion of satan with EVIL in his heart !