The Army is giving 13,000 armored military trucks to local police departments across the country in the latest move to militarize our police forces.
These are vehicles of WAR, and they are now going to be used on American streets.
Each of these trucks cost $500,000, and the Army is giving them away for free.
How does this sound as a plan…if you’re a Communist, America-hating politician or corrupt global corporation/banker (that owns the politicians):
– Get some wars started and make a killing from the military contracts and pocket a lot of the ‘loose money’ that floats around
– Destroy the economy with all the military spending, derivative schemes, money printing, etc you can muster
– Once the wars start to wind down bring all those military vehicles, paid for by taxpayers, onto American streets to prep for the economic collapse you created and the ensuing martial law
Sounds pretty neat and tidy…
I was reading my Bible last night and what I read sounds just like what is happening here now. This was pronounced by God for Israel and Judah. He said to the Prophet Joel and Amos but at the end of our time all nations will be at the most hprrible war ever . It is coming. We as a full nation had better fall to out knees and return to our Maker.
Waste of money
Has anyone seen one on the streets or in use by any police?
I hope they use these against Obama the commie
Waste of money as usual
LOOK EVERYONE…THEY CAN BE DEFEATED!!! Get your head out of your asses.
there for Obama haters……..Wake UP
Think maybe they would give me one? 😉 Probably not, they don’t even want us to have AR’s.
Why do we need something like this – What is Obummer up to now??? Watch out people!!
militarizing our police department for a government take over or what