The Army is giving 13,000 armored military trucks to local police departments across the country in the latest move to militarize our police forces.
These are vehicles of WAR, and they are now going to be used on American streets.
Each of these trucks cost $500,000, and the Army is giving them away for free.
How does this sound as a plan…if you’re a Communist, America-hating politician or corrupt global corporation/banker (that owns the politicians):
– Get some wars started and make a killing from the military contracts and pocket a lot of the ‘loose money’ that floats around
– Destroy the economy with all the military spending, derivative schemes, money printing, etc you can muster
– Once the wars start to wind down bring all those military vehicles, paid for by taxpayers, onto American streets to prep for the economic collapse you created and the ensuing martial law
Sounds pretty neat and tidy…
How many are going to states with republican governors and how many are going cities with republican mayors?
Hitler is coming !!!!!!!!!!!
I think this is great give it to the cities with the highest crime rate.
Won’t be long before they become militia property! :v
jim and Kathy Osborne,, you can bet that the mayors and states that are republican are getting none of these. OBAMA will not send any to these people.
After reading these comments after I have made several comments, what is going to get the majority of you people killed will not be this MILITARY VEHICLE, it will be the lack of common sense and paying attention! Really, why are you scared of a armored vehicle? Armored cars have been running the streets for years. Why are you scared of a police dept with a armored vehicle? Explain any logic you have, I will be willing to listen. Half of you are making excuses on what the police have or are going to have so you can flee the country. Please leave, do us all a favor, if you are willing to run before the fight starts, then we cant depend on you any way. Everyone here should be worried about a unmanned drone, these things are what is dangerous, not a damn armored vehicle. SMDH!
the reason the feds are giving all this hi powered equiptment to local police depts is to use on ciitizens during uprisings..if the feds werent expecting trouble,why dont they just sell them for scrap instead of giving them away? BE PREPARED,THEY ARE
Why would a police dept. need such an armoured vehical except to enforce laws that are unconstitutional. The army really should keep them for the next war that is created. Besides, the American tax payers bought them. Why don’t they have a say as to what happens to these vehicles of destruction. WHO gives the army the authority to dispose of them? Just another case of “WE WILL DO WHAT WE WANT WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT”
The important thing is, that your seat belt is properly fastened!!
I hope to battle the drugs that R plaguing our nation.