As Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno prepares to retire after a long and distinguished career, he said in an interview he has a few regrets. Odierno was one of the forces behind the successful “surge” in Iraq. Speaking with Fox News, the General indicated his recommendation that we leave a substantial standing force in Iraq on the order of tens of thousands would have prepared U.S. forces to respond to contingencies in the region.
Instead, his input was ignored in favor of a swift pull-out of the American presence. Did that have any influence on the loss of large parts of Iraq and the rise of ISIS? The General had several things to say on those matters.
Read more from the interview on the NEXT PAGE:
Read some more on world history and enlightened yourself..!!
Well Charles it is like this I served my country back in the Vietnam War,which at this time the Communist were making their move to dominate the world like $#%&!@* tried to do.We as a nation have now been threaten by the ones that have it in their Koran to destroy all that don’t belong to their faith.I don’t know if you have a family like I do but I have lived my life and will die to protect them.Don’t get me wrong I hate war but will protect my country Foreign or Domestic.
One problem…the radical Muslims are scattered and not a legal en$#%&!@*y known as a country.
Jews as well…but they aren’t jihadist…!!
That is on Obama and Washington DC Democrats God Bless America
Coming from an Obama yes man!
I’m just so offended with bald heads because I’m so perfect
Obama leadership??? runs amokuss
Why did you wait until now???
Our politicians create terrorist and arm them. And if we dint go around poking everyone in the eye for there resources. We wouldn’t have so many that hate us! We invite it plain and simple!