Armored UN trucks that appear to be brand new have been recently spotted leaving Alabama and entering Georgia.
The trucks appear to have ports for M231 port firing weapons and are being transported by unmarked flat-beds painted in “UN blue”.
Is there any legitimate reason UN trucks should be on American soil?
I’ve not been able to find information about the US manufacturing trucks for the UN.
God save us all!
What are armored UN trucks doing in our country?
Hmmm makes you wonder huh
Scary, Need to find out what’s going on.
The Worthless UN needs to be Run out of this COUNTRY forever !!
Remember, WE are NOT a brawling nation that is feuding with each other, other than the chaos provided by design by the current administration that seems to cause TERRORIST ACTIONS on it’s own and tries to blame the populous for these things, either way the UN has NO BUSINESS in this country … Remember… the UN was NATO and the U.S. government created this organization to smooth things over with all the other countries & in reality it was used to spy on the other nations. Now, considering this and the FACT that the U.S.A. pays 58% of the funding of the UN to stay in business, ‘what makes anyone think this has changed how they operate?’ The same creeps under a different name !!! AMERICANS — BEWARE !!!
You know Atlanta is gonna burn again. These are the support training troops for Hussein’s civilian army!
That’s because they make them at Anniston Army depot.
Look up our redemption is drawing nigh….PTL!