Armored UN trucks that appear to be brand new have been recently spotted leaving Alabama and entering Georgia.
The trucks appear to have ports for M231 port firing weapons and are being transported by unmarked flat-beds painted in “UN blue”.
Is there any legitimate reason UN trucks should be on American soil?
I’ve not been able to find information about the US manufacturing trucks for the UN.
well lets see how bout the UNtreaty that obama signed to take our guns away,but im sure it will be when you least expect it ,while your asleep sawing logs.Better keep one eye open.
What in the Hell are they doing in our country!! Get them the Hell out!!
When they’re serious about one world govt they will suddenly discover aliens. Be they real and long suppressed, or totally fabricated.
Won’t help much.
Wake up America before you wake up and there is no more America.
What’s this all about?
the don’t belong in Georgia or any part of our country!!
We did find out where they were going and where they came from. They were commercially manufactured in the US and then sent to Savannah to be put on a shipping container
they have no business in the usa kick them out of here
keep one gun in the house and have a place off your property where u keep the ones u will need ,even if u have to pay for a small storage unit