Israel’s Debkafile website reported on April 7th that two Syrian terrorist groups, the Free Syrian Army and the Syrian Revolutionary Front, both of them linked to al-Qaeda, were supplied with advanced US-made weapons, including armor-piercing, optically-guided BGM-71 TOW missiles.
Time magazine reported last month that Obama was considering giving our al-Qaeda terrorists enemies manpads, which are surface-to-air missles capable of shooting down commercial airliners.
I´ve heard this giving arms to terrorists classified as ´shifting positions´ in the war on terror. I call supplying our enemies with arms an act of treason.
What is wrong with congress? We all no Obama is a muslim terroris and for some reason congress goes along with it . Are they all muslim brotherhood members also,We cannot wait for another election, if something is not done soon it will all be over
Again i blame our do nothing congress and house they are doing absolutely nothing to stop this guy
Of course, they are his muslim relatives.
obummer is a gay muslim
Obama and Clinton done this and the democrats went along with it.this alone is treason and a terriost act
isnt that why America Exists? to give others the advantage?
dumb pieces of $#%&!@*.
WTF PEOPLE? And this crack pot is getting away with it? MAY 16 D.C.
of course he is related to them
Where are you Congress??If you can’t do your jobs maybe you should not be paid. What the hell are you good for???