Israel’s Debkafile website reported on April 7th that two Syrian terrorist groups, the Free Syrian Army and the Syrian Revolutionary Front, both of them linked to al-Qaeda, were supplied with advanced US-made weapons, including armor-piercing, optically-guided BGM-71 TOW missiles.
Time magazine reported last month that Obama was considering giving our al-Qaeda terrorists enemies manpads, which are surface-to-air missles capable of shooting down commercial airliners.
I´ve heard this giving arms to terrorists classified as ´shifting positions´ in the war on terror. I call supplying our enemies with arms an act of treason.
Obama has shown over and over again how anti-American he is. We should send him back to what ever country he came from. To become President you must be a natrual born US citicen. I also believe it should be mandatory that all president canidates have pryor Military service. How else can they efectively run a military. That was a mouth full. I have been needing to say that for over 4 years,
obummer is a traitor.
Obama, arming the enemy is TREASON.
Obama’s a traitor impeach then lock him up.
You look like one of obamas mop heads
The Senate Democrats won’t vote to impeach.
I hope TREY Gowdy, Ted Crez and Ben Carsen see this.
I wonder how many of our people they will kill with this “donation”
No surprise there!