Israel’s Debkafile website reported on April 7th that two Syrian terrorist groups, the Free Syrian Army and the Syrian Revolutionary Front, both of them linked to al-Qaeda, were supplied with advanced US-made weapons, including armor-piercing, optically-guided BGM-71 TOW missiles.
Time magazine reported last month that Obama was considering giving our al-Qaeda terrorists enemies manpads, which are surface-to-air missles capable of shooting down commercial airliners.
I´ve heard this giving arms to terrorists classified as ´shifting positions´ in the war on terror. I call supplying our enemies with arms an act of treason.
Did they pass a background check???
This definitely sounds treasonous … DO SOMETHING CONGRESS!
Better yet FUBAR
Obama is a bigger terrorist than the real terrorist because he is trying to bring down to great nation at one time. he is a traitor, tryrant and a lying crimmial it time to do away with man and his followers to now!!!
commie Bastard does it again. But wait… he’s not near through
I wish I had a penny for everytime someone that said that Dennis.
Wouldn’t you say this is an act of treason by Obama? More than an impeachable act, but criminal.
How much more are we going to take?????????????????????????
hang the traitors