Armed Militias Pledge to Protect Oregon GOP Lawmakers from Governor ‘At Any Cost’

Armed Militias Pledge to Protect Oregon GOP Lawmakers from Governor ‘At Any Cost’

Last week GOP lawmakers in Oregon walked out of the Capitol in order to deny Democrats the quorum necessary to vote on and pass a sweeping greenhouse gas emissions cap-and-trade bill.

Democratic Gov. Kate Brown responded by ordering state police to apprehend the Republican senators and bring them back to the Capitol to vote.

“The Senate Republicans have decided to abandon their duty to serve their constituents and walk out. The Senate Democrats have requested the assistance of the Oregon State Police to bring back their colleagues to finish the work they committed to push forward for Oregonians. As the executive of the agency, I am authorizing the State Police to fulfill the Senate Democrats’ request,” Gov. Brown said in a press release.

In order to avoid the disturbing scenario, the GOP lawmakers scattered to the wind and even went out of state. One lawmaker, Oregon Republican Senator Brian Boquist, even threatened a shootout should police attempt to carry out the governor’s orders.

Now, right-wing militia is stepping up to protect the senators ‘at any cost,’ prompting the Oregon state Senate to close on Saturday. Turn the page to find out more.

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