Another Jade Helm warm up? Video footage has surfaced showing the National Guard patrolling a residential area in California this past weekend while bearing arms, chanting a military cadence and blocking traffic.
This is yet another occurrence of National Guard and military exercises being performed on American streets. With the unprecedented Jade Helm exercise coming up in July, one wonders if these all these drills popping up all over the place continue and eventually coalesce alongside JH to make it a huge, nationwide exercise much larger than the 9 states it is current set to be held in.
It worries me!
lock and load commiefornia or enjoy your stay in the concentration camps.
Is it really necessary to call names, for sling why the NG are patrolling these streets? I was honesty curious. But thanks for the insult…always helps to build a dialogue.
Right!! leave it to the conspiracy theorist to bash these men !! It’s getting retarded but this is the same $#%&!@* that happened in the 60’s 70’s 80’s and 90’s it’s just easier for the propaganda to spread now
Smells like BS, but stay alert.
You are a bunch of paranoid morons man. First of all…It’s the $#%&!@*ing National Guard. Keep your $#%&!@*ing pants on. If it was 7th Marines kicking in your neighbors door then I would start to get a little uneasy. They are training…..and their command picked your neighborhood. Feel honored. Wave at them. Put up your flag. Those boys are ours. Holy $#%&!@*.
God forbid the national guard actually guard the nation… or the borders.
Border Patrol is more like it
Lie lie lie lie lie