Paradise Valley in Arizona recently installed cameras with license plate scanning functionality inside of fake cactuses all around their town.
Paradise Valley first installed around 2 dozen fake cactuses to serve as cell towers, but now, without public consultation, they are placing cameras inside them.
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Aren’t these a protected plant??
Last I knew tampering with cactus was illegal.. Oh wait. Look who we are talking about here , oops my bad police privilege
oh yea ,we are going to go public and tell every one what we are doing AFTER we spend their money to put these all up
If you read the story the are F**E CACTUS..
LPR’s are a good thing guys.
When a car is stolen, or a child is abducted, these readers really help.
That is all they do.
this is illoegial, it is called entrapment.
Fcked up
Cactus are protected. You need a permit to even move a cactus from one location to another. These bigger cactus are 50-100 years old. I don’t totally believe this story. something about it doesn’t sound right to me. AZ is much more likely to be keeping an eye on us than they would in NE but, I don’t see them even being able to do this. very questionable to me….
Fill it full of birdseed