“The President, Obama, Eric Holder, all these people who believe that they can just sign an executive order without the legislative process and has the same effect as law is ridiculous and I, as a constitutionally elected sheriff shall not only not enforce it but shall fight this president…”
In his letter to Obama: “You are not a dictator, you are not a king you cannot unilaterally ignore the the legislative process of law making”
Amen! Sheriff Babeu, Americans applaud your actions. Keep up the good work!
Yep…and join the Republicans in Congress who don’t understand the Constitution either.
Amen Sheriff Babeu.
good looking out…
He better watch his back, they will be after him now
I will keep my guns till death.May-be Me – or someone……….
we need more American law like this, uphold the Constitution.
Now why can’t we get someone like this to run for office in this country ,because I think for him to stand up and say that he will not obey the BS that is comming out of Washinton DC,this guy has a set of ball’s the size of the state of Arizona.Because the one we have now in office don’t even have balls anymore to do what is right they are a bunch of $#%&!@*.
All the $#%&!@* bags who get fired from city departments for being brutal abusers go to work for federal agencies so they can dress up like G.I.Joe while the Sherriff and his deputies are still a communities best friend. When I was a deputy, these dirtbags from the ATF and DEA were always trying to recruite us. They smelled of corruption to the core.
bravo someone who is right be careful those who fight him ——
A great American keep up the good work I hope some more people will wake up soon.