Those on the left have for decades called voter fraud a made-up problem. They’ve called voter ID laws racist and have denounced calls for stricter control of the voting process, but Arizona Secretary of State Michele Reagan disagrees. It happens, she says, because she’s seen it in action — in her own office.
One has to wonder, does the left really think that voter fraud is not a problem, or are they just unwilling to tackle something that often benefits them at the ballot box?
The particular case in Arizona did more than just push people toward particular candidates, it threw out ballots completely. While some will call the failures an unfortunate glitch in the system, even Reagan admits that she intends to investigate for wrongdoing.
To see what systematic failure caused many provisional ballots from being counted in the latest election, continue reading on the next page:
What else would one expect in a state run by McCain and Flake. They should be tried.
FIX IT! OR GET FIRED! Redo election!
Trump rules
Jon Coffey
What are we becoming
Yeah. Blame republican redistricting. Not some Clinton sabotage. Some of the hardest hit places were minority heavy and they tend to vote for Clinton. I will also point out that voters had 9 months to make sure their registration was correct and a full month of early voting.
B******T….. this is an inside job by someone in her office that was for a primary. STILL NO PROOF OF VOTER FRAUD IN A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. She did not name anyone and gave no proof. You lose because people don’t vote for your candidates. Here is my proof…..where is yours besides lies?
So you are a liar and a thief?
How does voter ID laws suppress the vote? You have to have an ID to do anything these days