The Arizona House of Representatives voted to nullify any and all of Obama’s executive orders. If Bill 2368 passes the Republican-controlled Senate, any of Obama’s despotic executive actions would rendered sterile, unable to reproduce his Marxist measures and ideologies within their state.
It would prohibit the state from “using any personnel or financial resources to enforce, administer or cooperate with an executive order issued by the president of the United States that has not been affirmed by a vote of the Congress of the United States and signed into law as prescribed by the Constitution of the United States.”
Maybe I will move to Arizona.
oh , but he is already balless. michael is the man in the duo !!!
Do a good job.
First Texas defies and threatens setting a precedent. Now Arizona, is being proactive. I believe this is in anticipation of a possible Hillary presidency, god forbid.
I hope they do and get rid of him.He is so mean and cruel.Maybe something to him.I am not a mean person but I am hoping,He is the son of Satan and why we had idiots to vote for him twice, I will never under stand.
More states should follow suit.
Now we need states to nullify this take over of our voting rights by the Obama regime that wants to dictate who can vote (illegals) against the laws that have been in place form the beginning. Sorry Obama, you and Hillary are wrong. Illegals can’t vote in America. Perhaps in your Caliphate in some future Dystopian Country.
PLEASE, televise it!