The Arizona House of Representatives voted to nullify any and all of Obama’s executive orders. If Bill 2368 passes the Republican-controlled Senate, any of Obama’s despotic executive actions would rendered sterile, unable to reproduce his Marxist measures and ideologies within their state.
It would prohibit the state from “using any personnel or financial resources to enforce, administer or cooperate with an executive order issued by the president of the United States that has not been affirmed by a vote of the Congress of the United States and signed into law as prescribed by the Constitution of the United States.”
The article is about Arizona… the state that is currently rioting that rebuke Obamas transgender bathroom order was North Carolina… funny how just hours before the shooting and riots Hillary cancelled a fund raising event…especially that this woman is so money hunger…
Good for Arizona !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s already been said obutthead u have no balls.
Kathy Chiappetta Satan has already won the battle for the USA or are blind to all of Anmerica’s unrepentant SIN!!! GOD will Punish America as foretold in HIS Prophecy!!! Your job, like mine is to DO GOD’S WILL, not waste time,energy,and resources “fighting for America” America today is worse than Sodom and Gomorrah!!! God severely corrected and punished, Israel, the people called by HIS Name and America is not exempt the the Righteous Punishment and deservedly severe correction from, Almighty Sovereign GOD!!!! To fight for America is to go contrary to God’s perfect Sovereign Will, as expressed in HIS Word, the Holy Bible!!! GOD CHANGES NOT, DECIDE RIGHT NOW, WHOM DO YOU LOVE MORE, AMERICA OR GOD!!! FOR ME IT IS GOD< HIS WILL
Dam can Missouri do that ? id support it.
Please hold fast!
Dictator. He. Is
Kathy Chiappetta You either totally love GOD, with All of your Heart, Mind, Soul, and strength or you do not!!! All nations shall answer to GOD and America is no exception, nor should be given our proud, arrogant, boastful, belligerent, unrepentant sin,and you know this!!! GOD IS ALWAYS Right, Just, holy, and Sovereign, whether we completely understand why HE does things the way that HE does is IRRELEVANT Because By FAITH, we will Always side with GOD, especially over sinful,weak,base belligerent, blaspheming humans, regardless of country!!!