Prescott College, in AZ, is implementing a mandatory $30 dollar fee for all on-campus students, which will go towards a scholarship for undocumented students. They’re calling this the Freedom Education fund, which will start in the 2016-2017 academic year. The announcement was made as part of National Institution’s Coming Out Day, an annual event hosted by United We Dream, which supports undocumented students.
So basically, whether you want to or not, if you’re attending Prescott College, you’re going to be donating money to a scholarship that will not only take precedence over your own education, but contributes to a political agenda you might not agree with. This is the first time a four year college in AZ has implemented a mandatory fee, and they’re the second in the country to do it. Like a lot of colleges in America, Prescott has seen an increase in student activism in recent years, which is the main reason this scholarship and mandatory fee exists.
Read what Prescott College President John Flicker had to say on the next page.
Heck no
Would love to see this and other colleges like it fold.
It should be on a individual, voluntary basis only…I’m a broke college student myself surviving on loans and every penny matters…tuition and books are expensive ..i don’t think its fair that a school forces someone to pay a fee who by definition is not even legal here…fine if you want to give but it shouldn’t be mandatory and if i went to that school I would not go down without a fight
well if it is a felony to help or encourage an illegal alien, obama is guilty of 11million felonies then !!!
Democrats want to keep poor people broke, so they can control them with handouts. Democrats have never done anything for the working class, except make a lot of promises about “what their going to do”, only to change their objective once in office. They promise a false of well being.
POLITICIANS have high jacked America! Democrats/& Republican POLITICIANS have fortified their positions against “the American people”, & have taken COMPLETE CONTROL of the nation. Congress & their “special interest doners” are the hijackers!
It is THE BEGINNING of the New World Order, where the elites are in control of the world’s population, which will be achieved through the UN. WE CAN’T LET THIS HAPPEN PEOPLE!
Donald Trump is our last chance (as he’s NOT A POLITICIAN) & who will be for US, “we the people”. He’s our LAST CHANCE to escape the “New World Order” and America as we know it! THE LAND OF THE FREE!
The greatest danger to American freedom is the Government THAT IGNORES the constitution!
VOTE TRUMP 2016!!!
Illegals are illegal how hard is that!?
WRONG…..AMERICA WANTS TRUMP…..Make America Great Again.
Ain’t that some s**t
Arrest & deport ALL illegals. Boom. Done
F**k yea !!!