Back in March the ATF raided gun store Ares Armor and demanded a customer list of 5000 people who had purchased a certain gun part, known as a lower receiver, which helps people more easily build their own gun.
Ares Armor obtained a restraining order against the ATF, but the ATF raided all store locations anyway.
Now, owner Dimitrios Karras in an act of open defiance has started selling another version of the receiver without asking for approval from the feds first.
“If they don’t like what I’m doing they can come down here and do something about it,” a stern Karras stated. “At this point put up or shut up, we’ve been going at this for months now.”
The ATF seized much of this stores merchandise, calling this gun part a ‘weapon’ in and unto itself, which they claim gives them the right to seize the inventory.
Karras is a veteran who completed tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.
This is bs. We are still abiding by the second amendment! Till it has changed, which hopefully it never will! They are legally not allowed to do that. That would defy the constitution which made America. And that is not ok.
A ‘part’ is a ‘weapon’??? Baaaahahahaha! Do they think we’re ALL stupid? The next person killed by a motorist is probably going to start confiscation of car keys.
anyone can build an AR,,,,,if you have the tools….
You can not depend on our current Government, so we will just openly defy it…. That is the New American way….
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This is the strongest argument to beat the anti-gunners with…..
Even if you COULD take all the guns in America today…..simply wave your hand and “POOF” they magically disappear…..
UNLESS…at the same time….you also kill American manufacturing capacity by banning machine tools and metals……in a few days….there will again be guns!
Good for him!!!! Screw the ATF!!!!!
Good for him they do what they want which is against the law