While some politicians and scientists embrace global warming and climate change with almost religious fervor, new evidence has surfaced to suggest the science is not in fact settled.
Researchers off the coast of Norway’s Svalbard archipelago have discovered that where methane gas bubbles up from seafloor seeps, surface waters above the seeps absorb twice as much carbon dioxide as surrounding waters, thus lessening the impact of climate change.
The previous assumption had been that methane seeps would inevitably increase the amount of greenhouse gases. Seeps occur above fissures on the seafloor caused of the earth’s tectonic activity.
Biogeochemist John Pohlman of the U.S. Geological Survey in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, began the research near Svalbard to learn just how much methane the Arctic Ocean was contributing to the global balance in the atmosphere.
Find out just how surprising the findings were not only to the Pohlman team but other scientists looking at the same issue regarding methane. It’s all found on the next page.
Not f**e News! The article itself speaks of an advance in climate science, and besides, any true scientist knows there is no such thing as “settled science”. “Settled science” is a political edict created to silence demean critics.
Sorry, silence AND demean critics!
Noooo , you mean gore lied ?
Gore, Pay Attention You Liar
So you are telling me ththaim to believe some scientist knows more about our climate than al gore? Idk this could be f**e news im gona have to wait to see what al says about this
There goes Al Gore’s dream of selling carbon footprint coupons. LMAO!
You can’t say this false$#%&!@* Gore said its global warming and he knows everything about it!
I’m no physicist but it doesn’t take a lot of common scents to figure out that the ozone hole is exposed to below zero temperatures of space that it will make the Arctic ice grow to make things cooler it may even equal things out till it fixes its self
The ice caps will be gone and both coasts will be under water by 2013, and the world will be uninhabitable by 2015! — Wait! — What!? — It’s 2017 and the ice caps are growing!? — Um,, NEVER MIND.
In the 1970s it was “the coming ice age” that was going to bury us in a sheet of ice. Then they decided it was “global warming” that would turn the planet into a frying pan. Now its “climate change”, because the climate wouldn’t cooperate with their “global Warming” narrative.
So far NOT ONE prediction from the climatological prophets of doom has come to pass. It looks like Al Gore may have “AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH” of his own to deal with. There’s far more MONEY and POLITICS involved here than science.
If 97% of “climate scientists” agree that the “science is settled”, why are the scientists not out ringing the alarm instead of the has been celebrities, pseudo scientists, and washed up politicians who are trying to perpetuate this farce.
Did you ever notice that the people who scream the loudest about “climate change” are the ones who have the biggest “carbon footprint”? Al Gore, Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, etc.
Liberal hypocrisy at it’s finest.
Weather Channel Founder
10 Lies