While some politicians and scientists embrace global warming and climate change with almost religious fervor, new evidence has surfaced to suggest the science is not in fact settled.
Researchers off the coast of Norway’s Svalbard archipelago have discovered that where methane gas bubbles up from seafloor seeps, surface waters above the seeps absorb twice as much carbon dioxide as surrounding waters, thus lessening the impact of climate change.
The previous assumption had been that methane seeps would inevitably increase the amount of greenhouse gases. Seeps occur above fissures on the seafloor caused of the earth’s tectonic activity.
Biogeochemist John Pohlman of the U.S. Geological Survey in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, began the research near Svalbard to learn just how much methane the Arctic Ocean was contributing to the global balance in the atmosphere.
Find out just how surprising the findings were not only to the Pohlman team but other scientists looking at the same issue regarding methane. It’s all found on the next page.
Tell this to the global warming alarmist and the only climate deniers will be themselves! They see nothing except what they want to see and to them, everyone but them has the truth when the fact is they wouldn’t know truth if it slapped them upside the head!
I wonder if any of these scientists have thought about, or even considered, the fact that the earth’s magnetic poles are shifting? The north magnetic pole is sliding, or shifting, towards Siberia at a rate of…. if memory serves me at all… 1 to several inches a year…… SO, if the north is moving, obviously the south is moving also….. ya know, it might put a little bit of explanation on things….. food for thought.
The worst thing that we do in life is when people are intentionally committing mistakes for the purpose of profits!
Change in the earth’s climate is a normal thing. The tilt of the Earth changes angle just like a top. It completes one cycle in 100,000 years, the Milankovitch cycle.
So approximately 50,000 years from now Christmas in the northern hemisphere will be in the summertime. We don’t see it because human history is only a few thousand years old.
Kind of makes sense since I learned that the last ice age was about 50,000 years ago.
Anyway read for yourself and also look up the Milankovitch cycle on other websites.
Actually read this article and see the truth about Paris – Obama had no authority to bind the US to a long standing agreement… http://www.nationalreview.com/article/448201/paris-agreement-trump-right-pull-out
Why do liberals always become fanatics about anything that There leadership promotes.It seems almost fanatical in its ferocity.What a fraudulent concept this is . It’s a shell game in effect and the US are the suckers.How pretentious you are to send jobs that you dismiss overseas. We have made mistakes regarding pollution and efforts to clean it up. We have also developed innumerable processes to clean the air water and environment.We are lowering our emissions yearly. Our technology has lead the way . We have recreated our energy development to get clean and efficient use of all forms of energy. We offer the nations around the world effective means to clean up there lands.But to propose we should sacrifice our industry wealth and employment for nations who won’t comply for decades is irrational at best. We will continue to create jobs and lower our emissions. Let those nations exploit someone else . The Paris accord is designed to redistribute wealth nothing more . Sorry if your delusional thinking is so very wrong . Being condescending smug self righteous frauds isn’t easy.
Global warming and Obomination as a legitimate candidate for the presidency are the two greatest LIES perpetuated by the Dumocrats. The idea of Pres Trump colluding with Russians is the third bunch of BS swallowed by lots of Americans, the sheep citizens. Climate “change” happens every couple minutes on this earth.