While some politicians and scientists embrace global warming and climate change with almost religious fervor, new evidence has surfaced to suggest the science is not in fact settled.
Researchers off the coast of Norway’s Svalbard archipelago have discovered that where methane gas bubbles up from seafloor seeps, surface waters above the seeps absorb twice as much carbon dioxide as surrounding waters, thus lessening the impact of climate change.
The previous assumption had been that methane seeps would inevitably increase the amount of greenhouse gases. Seeps occur above fissures on the seafloor caused of the earth’s tectonic activity.
Biogeochemist John Pohlman of the U.S. Geological Survey in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, began the research near Svalbard to learn just how much methane the Arctic Ocean was contributing to the global balance in the atmosphere.
Find out just how surprising the findings were not only to the Pohlman team but other scientists looking at the same issue regarding methane. It’s all found on the next page.
That the us can fix it wt money is the scam
Lol they changed it to climate change that covers global cooling, warming, too much rain not enough rain blah blah blah
Now we are back to global cooling as was the prediction back in the 1960’s and into the 1970’s when they decided that we were going into global warming. Go Thank!
Ken the conclusion of this particular article – that climate science is unsettled – is misleading at best. Also Global cooling is Not mentioned in the study all because that is t what’s happening. The false implication is that GW is debatable. It’s not and this new discovery changes nothing. The global temp is still rising. the effects of these seeps are not fully known. Even if they all act as C02 dumps all the time they would amount to a drop in the bucket compared to the billions of tons of C02 we produce yearly. Here’s a less biased report on the same study http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/05/are-methane-seeps-arctic-slowing-global-warming
There is no over whelming evidence it is all a scam to spread our wealth and make America a third world country. If you can’t see that then you are the problem with America, your a shepples
Climate change is a scam
Earth will slowly cool as the sun shrinks to give us life..stop the lies!
No worries. I don’t for a second think that the natural order will adjust to compensate for human contribution to climate change. We’re on the same side here Joe.
No one doubts the climate changes. We just refuse to believe the BS ABOUT man made or caused and controllable by the same.
It is real! That is why the glaciers receded from North America . Al Gore & others tryna get richer off of this by selling us fear. Unfortunately, “snowflakes” will melt.