Researchers on board the research vessel, CCGS Amundsen, were headed out to the Artic to study the effects of global warming, but got derailed by…wait for it…too much ice!
An officer from the Coast Guard, says that the icy conditions are the “worst he’s seen in 20 years.”
One would think that this would be the end of the research right there, but I guess not on board the global warming ‘ship of fools.’
Like I said BS
Didn’t you hear? We are now entering into a ‘mini ice age’!
I hope gore was on that trip. (idiot).
WOW you’re a special kind of AMERKAN STUPID aren’t you !! 1-icebreakers don’t break up icebergs they cut paths through PACK ice so ships can get through and deliver your $#%&!@*ies !! 2- Polar bears spend the majority of their time UNDER the ice and are capable of swimming 100’s of miles in open ocean but I wouldn’t expect a MERKAN to know that cause they hide that information in books !!!
DUH it’s a Canadian icebreaker…it’s not stuck in the ice !!! it’s $#%&!@*ing ships through to deliver their cargo….she had to stop her scientific research and help until 2 other Canadian icebreakers could reach the scene…..That thing is a BEAST !! IT EATS ICE FOR BREAKFAST…..
NOT here to split hairs Ryan O’Sullivan but more correctly it’s called pack ice and here in Canada it’s a year round thing in the north and Hudson Bay.Henry Hudson and his expedition got trapped there and perished, that’s why it’s called Hudson Bay.That little tidbit of info wasn’t for you as I’m confident you knew that, but for those who might not ….
Exactly…it’s northern Hudson’s Bay…Henry Hudson the explorer and his expedition got trapped there in the 1600’s and all perished….that’s why we named it Hudson’s Bay…
yup 2015-2030…they predict…We have a province here in Canada that summer forgot to come to…Newfoundland has had only 5 days above 70 degrees so far !!! their strawberries aren’t even growing yet…
thats a 2014 article in a different part of the world !!
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