Researchers on board the research vessel, CCGS Amundsen, were headed out to the Artic to study the effects of global warming, but got derailed by…wait for it…too much ice!
An officer from the Coast Guard, says that the icy conditions are the “worst he’s seen in 20 years.”
One would think that this would be the end of the research right there, but I guess not on board the global warming ‘ship of fools.’
God’s still in control
globing warming
Tell them to get a pe$#%&!@*ion to STOP the EPA and Go Green!!! They Destroying our Economy By taxes suing big companies . Financially driving them under!!!!!
Ice causes a lot of problems especially for stupid boats
Too long to upload their whole website, then you get too little info, and have to click for more, and wait for that little dab to upload.
i hate when that happens!!! 🙂
The Amundsen is a Canadian coast guard icebreaker lol…