Researchers on board the research vessel, CCGS Amundsen, were headed out to the Artic to study the effects of global warming, but got derailed by…wait for it…too much ice!
An officer from the Coast Guard, says that the icy conditions are the “worst he’s seen in 20 years.”
One would think that this would be the end of the research right there, but I guess not on board the global warming ‘ship of fools.’
Didn’t this happen a couple of years ago?
I think the Russians came to the rescue
Oh yeah love y’all’s logic. “Oh well volcanos spew out more in a day then we do in a year.” Ok so let’s help it out by continuing to pump out tons more where we could do the opposite and maybe even save some money while we’re doing our part.
Oh and BTW I’m not a lib or rep.