Why are new strip malls, closed strip malls, shopping malls and even schools being designed with what clearly looks like guard towers – and in a manner that would easily give way to them becoming FEMA camps?
While some would call this paranoid, tinfoil hat wearing stuff, if you believe that the economy will collapse then surely you must believe that the government know of and is preparing for this event – preparing for massive civil unrest and millions upon millions upon millions of hungry, angry Americans.
There’s and estimated 800 FEMA camps in the U.S., which can hold an average of around 20,000 people. That’s only 16 million people.
Where do the rest go in the event of massive civil unrest?
According to some architects, there are many newly created facilities around the United States that can serve the same purpose as these FEMA camps with just a tiny bit of retrofitting.
U N Agenda 21
Tells me the economy is bottoming out.
some people dont want to help themselves a friend of mine many many years ago worked for John Deer and they had a project in Africa to teach people to grow their own food provided all the equipment seed ect worked with them for 2 years went back 2 years later the seed they had sent was still in bags and rotten the fertilizer was mostly still in bags they tried to eat it and the equipment was in the fields where they had run out of gas and had been stripped of every part that could be carried!
And more people like him will die in the days to come. I am disappointed in the people who still defend America’s actions. I mean after J.F.K , M.L.K, and 911 you’d think Americans would do what they do best cause a revolution and stand for what is right, not lick the boots of our elected leaders in a corrupt fascist government. I fear for this man’s family and the lives of men and women like him. As well as my own for speaking this way. I hope the older people can change because generation X is changing the world with or without them.
All part of ovomits plan folks !
Concentration camps for Christian American Patriots
Midwest is empty
Only coasts are populated
They just want us to be slaves and to make them richer