Why are new strip malls, closed strip malls, shopping malls and even schools being designed with what clearly looks like guard towers – and in a manner that would easily give way to them becoming FEMA camps?
While some would call this paranoid, tinfoil hat wearing stuff, if you believe that the economy will collapse then surely you must believe that the government know of and is preparing for this event – preparing for massive civil unrest and millions upon millions upon millions of hungry, angry Americans.
There’s and estimated 800 FEMA camps in the U.S., which can hold an average of around 20,000 people. That’s only 16 million people.
Where do the rest go in the event of massive civil unrest?
According to some architects, there are many newly created facilities around the United States that can serve the same purpose as these FEMA camps with just a tiny bit of retrofitting.
16 million in death camps? why on earth should we be concerned by this? we all know that our government is loving and benevolent.
I don’t know who you are calling idiots. But apparently not enough of you are paying any attention to whats going on or you just don’t care. Can’t see the forest for the trees..
Why do we need FEMA camps
Wow. Never again they said, never means never!!!
Chris Fultz, the picture on the headline of this post is down the street from where I live North of Tampa, FL on the corner of SR 56 & I 75 in Wesley chapel, Florida & I took pictures of this myself because it looks to have at least 8 gaurs towers. If you wanna see the location for yourself google earth or map I-75 & SR 56…..It’s under construction on google earth but it’s scheduled to open in October this year.
One of the pic I took in July
These facilities should house Muslims so we can control them.
Go to the usarmy website and search for “internment camp officers” it comes up as a job they are and have been staffing for
A lot of money is going to be spent to fill and maintain these camps — where is Obummer going to get it ?
Riddle me this conspiracy nuts…What happened to Jade Helm? for 6 years now you have been squaking about the sky is falling..Well chicken little at what point do you realize it is not? How many f**e false flags will you point to and be wrong before you figure out your being played like a fiddle?