Germany’s migrant problem is no secret, despite how much their government and the German media are trying to cover up the many incidents involving migrant violence and abuse towards German citizens. Not only are left-leaning German personalities welcoming this type of behavior, they’re actually willing to risk the health and happiness of their own people to make sure these migrants feel at home. For example, a German architect is claiming that to make migrants feel more welcome, churches should be demolished and mosques should be built in their place.
Yeah, that only makes sense to a self-sabotaging liberal .
In an interview, the architect claimed that in order for these migrants to feel integrated into society, they have to feel no fear, which means that they shouldn’t be afraid to worship.
And what about Christians and Catholics? What about the fear that Muslims strike into them, especially in seeing their churches destroyed? This won’t make them feel welcome in the end, it’ll basically create a new Middle East in Germany.
Read what else the architect said on the next page.
a moslem is incapable of being an american citizen. they have their own law and they support slavery, not freedom. their book turns each one into a radical murderer.
Tell the architect to go$#%&!@*himself!
No thanks..
take them out 1 at a time if need be
“I am the Lord your God: Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.” America is founded on Christian beliefs, and will remain so. Do not attempt to destroy our churches. The wrath of God may may not be directly visited upon you, however the wrath of His children shall be. And with God on our side, no one will stand against us.
You said it! They are trying to integrate us!!
Monica Blackwelder our Military is being done so dirty by Obama & Congress. Obama hates our Military and he only degrades them every chance he gets. He’s depleted it so badly. Some one reported our troops fighting the jihads, can not fire on them, then why the hell are they over there? Who thinks as president she will not do more of this sort of thing? She is evil, corrupt & ruthless as hell.
if you want to destroy my church me and my friends will be glad to donate a plot of land to you free of charge