Germany’s migrant problem is no secret, despite how much their government and the German media are trying to cover up the many incidents involving migrant violence and abuse towards German citizens. Not only are left-leaning German personalities welcoming this type of behavior, they’re actually willing to risk the health and happiness of their own people to make sure these migrants feel at home. For example, a German architect is claiming that to make migrants feel more welcome, churches should be demolished and mosques should be built in their place.
Yeah, that only makes sense to a self-sabotaging liberal .
In an interview, the architect claimed that in order for these migrants to feel integrated into society, they have to feel no fear, which means that they shouldn’t be afraid to worship.
And what about Christians and Catholics? What about the fear that Muslims strike into them, especially in seeing their churches destroyed? This won’t make them feel welcome in the end, it’ll basically create a new Middle East in Germany.
Read what else the architect said on the next page.
We are being destroyed from within!
f**k them lets put them in the house of hell then destroy it
Is anyone so stupid as to propose such action? If so, see a mental health provider.
Wouldn’t that time and money be better spent on actually helping their subhuman people become more human instead of building some elaborate building in which to plan terror attacks and store weapons?
when they bend like that makes want to be their with a scatter gun.
Better yet demolish mosques that have weapons cashes hidden in them.. assholes..
This is what Obama wants in America
an architect who needs to find another means of work
They need to integrate to us, not the other way around. Dumbama has spent enough of our tax dollars to put them on welfare and build mosques and not it’s time to stop him by impeaching him for his traitorous acts against the American people. Congress get off you asses and do what the people who voted for you want or you will not be back after November. No more money for mosques or aliens until the American people get what they need.