Duy Tran from Webster, TX is fighting his apartment complex to keep his American Flag displayed on his balcony after the apartment manager told him to take it down as it was a ‘threat to the Muslim community’, Tran states.
“What really stunned me is that she said it’s a threat towards the Muslim community,” said Tran. “I’m not a threat toward anybody.”
“I’m gonna leave my flag there, as an American, until she shows me proof that I don’t have the right to leave my flag there,” he continues, “I have friends that died for this country.”
If the America flag offends you well, GET OUT !!!
screw the muslim community !
Leave it a show it with pride and the Muslims can go screw themselves along with the complex manager. They can go back to sand land.
Tell the Muslims to move.
They would not like it if the American People would prohibit them from building a mosques cause it offends our Christian Values and Morals would they???? No I am for sticking it back to the unholy imbeciles and fighting FIRE with FIRE.
Tell them to go pound sand. They are professionals at it.
Thanks Jim Davis My Good Friend For The Intel. They Will Be Hearing Very Soon From A PISSED OFF Soldier!!
A Threat ? why are they here in the US if it’s threatening? They should leave
GOD Bless America!!!! ⛪❤