Duy Tran from Webster, TX is fighting his apartment complex to keep his American Flag displayed on his balcony after the apartment manager told him to take it down as it was a ‘threat to the Muslim community’, Tran states.
“What really stunned me is that she said it’s a threat towards the Muslim community,” said Tran. “I’m not a threat toward anybody.”
“I’m gonna leave my flag there, as an American, until she shows me proof that I don’t have the right to leave my flag there,” he continues, “I have friends that died for this country.”
Screw the muslms! They will kill us when given the opportunity!
Get a lawyer.
Keep it up…Muslims can put up there flag…it’s a free country
I bet a loaded gun would make the bastards feel right at home!!
If they don’t like it, $#%&!@* them leave this country then
All Americans should display their flag, that is what Americans do and we have a right to.
Screw the Muslem comunity they can all go back home
hows it a threat it threatens no one
tran….all real americans are back you 1000%….keep flying that flag guy and the hell with the muslims if they dont like it then they can go back home
Screw the f~~~kn Muslims , go back to your country freaks