People have made the mistake of counting Donald Trump out before. He’s certainly fallible like the rest of us. But unlike most of us, he has spent his life strategizing and making deals with very powerful people over very large sums of money. The give and take of negotiations is natural to him.
The point is that it might very well be premature to conclude that the failure of the Republicans to pass a healthcare bill is the disaster some say it is. It might have involved a tactic on the part of President Trump to accomplish his agenda and remove some obstacles at the same time.
More on page two.
Vince Runowich yes that pisses me off but as i mentioned so does the biased media who has done nothing but work for the democrats for over a decade…The main thing in that report to me was the fact it also said THEY DID NOTHING TO THE ACTUAL VOTING TALLEY.. i think you and many of your party didn’t understand how much we distrusted Hillary and this was long before Russia came along.. I never trusted her since the late 70’s in the ARK scandal where he was AG there. We hated her leading the country more than we liked trump and we didn’t let anything influence her. All many of those reports did for many of us is CONFIRM our suspicions of how the media was helping clinton and how the DNC was planning all those riots and chaos at the rallies..Did it bother you to learn that DNC chairwoman gave Hillary the questions to be asked at the debate? No I didn’t think so..READ THIS…However, Trump and the intelligence community seemed to find some common ground after the briefing. Both Trump and the report said the Russians did not target vote tallying…..
Patricia Allton — “my party”—Oh c’mon—are you really THAT stupid to think I’m a Democrat ???—WOW–your lunacy knows NO bounds. Here’s the one thing you’ll never, ever grasp–I’m so happy with Trump because I have no delusions about what or who he is. He’s doing EXACTLY what he was supposed to do. He’s failing and will continue to fail. And he’s taking down every one of his supporters with him—you all just haven’t figured it out yet—–Like I said–Enjoy—You an bet that I will.
Exactly what I said when it all started
Trump is playing chess against a bunch of checkers players
Vince Runowich DAMN talking about stupid. Trump was not my FIRST CHOICE. LOL. but when i saw him fighting for AMERICA.. You know that country that people like you say is so bad, and things he said i got on board..Because I was hoping most of all he could clean up the crooked people in washington and this past administration. You know the IRS discriminating on conservatives, the lying under oath from the democrats on investigations, THE FAILING VA, the FAILING obamacare, the FAILING immigration policies which democratic liberals pick and chose which they will follow, the constantly taking the 5TH by the democrats on congressional hearing and the blatant anarchy going on in this country.. hell yes you’re democrat as everything you pulled up today is referenced by democratic writers.. No i’d not call me stupid..You can call yourself a independent and lean towards all liberal democratic policies and pretend if you want to but NO i don’t buy it.. I’m a registered unaffiliated but when I lean towards more conservative policies i have to say I’m for republicans. so keep on screaming your ideological rants as that’s what I found you best at. We have plenty republicans in office who say I’m republican while stabbing republicans in the back so I am leery when people start saying i’m independent or i’m not so and so. Frankly I am to the point I don’t trust much of anything that’s coming out of our government. they have proved time and time again how they lie and cover up for each other. I wish we could go in with a broom and sweep them all out and start over with farmers, business people like when they founded the country..
THIS IS WHAT CONCERNS ME ALSO.. a country gone rogue…The facial recognition database used by the FBI is “out of control,” according to a new report by The Guardian.
“Approximately half of adult Americans’ photographs are stored in facial recognition databases that can be accessed by the FBI, without their knowledge or consent, in the hunt for suspected criminals,” reported The Guardian on Monday. “About 80% of photos in the FBI’s network are non-criminal entries, including pictures from driver’s licenses and passports. The algorithms used to identify matches are inaccurate about 15% of the time, and are more likely to misidentify black people than white people.”
“These are just some of the damning facts presented at last week’s House oversight committee hearing, where politicians and privacy campaigners criticized the FBI and called for stricter regulation of facial recognition technology at a time when it is creeping into law enforcement and business,” they continued.
“And get me a clean p**p bucket! “
Patricia Allton —“The facial recognition database used by the FBI is “out of control,”— You think that this is something new ???–Data mining has been going on for decades and it goes far beyond simple photographs. What do you think happens to the DNA collected when you get a blood test ??
And money grows on trees huh ? YOURE AN IDIOT STFU
Vince Runowich so this is doesn’t bother you about the INACCURACY OF IT.. It would if you were misidentified..—–About 80% of photos in the FBI’s network are non-criminal entries, including pictures from driver’s licenses and passports. The algorithms used to identify matches are inaccurate about 15% of the time, and are more likely to misidentify black people than white people.” –why should they take photos of INNOCENT PEOPLE GOING ON ABOUT EVERY DAY LIFE. another example of the government overstepping it’s boundaries..the can’t even get democrats charged and locked up and Hillary misdeeds is a good example of that. and weiner is never been charged. LOL..Double standards again..