People have made the mistake of counting Donald Trump out before. He’s certainly fallible like the rest of us. But unlike most of us, he has spent his life strategizing and making deals with very powerful people over very large sums of money. The give and take of negotiations is natural to him.
The point is that it might very well be premature to conclude that the failure of the Republicans to pass a healthcare bill is the disaster some say it is. It might have involved a tactic on the part of President Trump to accomplish his agenda and remove some obstacles at the same time.
More on page two.
Patricia Allton —Direct quote from the article YOU posted—“The United States still ranks No.1 in the world’s higher education institutions (i.e., colleges), including their ability to help graduates transition into the job market,”. –So what exactly am I supposed to “eat your heart out.” over ???—-Maybe you have sundowner’s syndrome here where as the day progresses you start drifting away…. Thanks for saying that you think I’m young, though—I think that’s funny as hell.
Patricia Allton —-It’s pretty bad when$#%&!@*Cheney is against you—$#%&!@*cheney-russia-act-of-war/
Vince Runowich i don’t rely on F**E NEWS sites as you did above..the subject was on trump’s failures and you are the one who drove on with other subjects so i guess the fly is busy in your house as well.. I enjoyed living in the “great days” of America.. Sad that we are now the last generation who did better than our parents before us.. Now it appears most of those over educated college brats are at home looking for work.. Cheer up as many jobs are coming their way soon and they can stop living with parents. I guess you missed the memo that everyone ages in time and your day will come. I have no complaints and why i’m so adamant in not letting the leftist socialist screw it up anymore… But facts on trump’s success/failures. No one has a 100% track record for success if they involved in numerous adventures . How rich is he? No one knows for sure, nor do we care.. . There is only one thing we the voters knew. HE WAS NOT A POLITICIAN and he didn’t take c**p laying down like the weasels we had in office, and last he knew how to make deals and save money .. We are tired of 20 trillion dollar deficits…If you are adamant on facts here is one that isn’t even biased since it covers his loses and his successes so be sure to notice the VERY END of the article…
Patricia Allton — And I’m quite sure he has more money than you as well—Does that mean he’s better than you ???—How about this one, snowflake–Is this on your approved list of reputable news sites ???—
Trump dreams these things up to draw attention on more important things that he does, like they are checking out his involvement with Russia
We have to do something …Washington is out of control and not Governing For The People !!!
Vince Runowich cheney knows no more than you or I mean… I also mentioned i didn’t care how much money he had and gave reasons for voting for him. I was stopping Hillary at what ever the cost…If i were you I’d be more concerned about the PAST ADMINISTRATION listening in and obtaining privacy of US CITIZENS and then allowing it to leak to news papers. that is jail time.. IMO if they had anything on russian interfering with outcome of election they would of brought it forth . they are grabbing for straws. but it’s a FACT that someone is LEAKING CONFIDENTIAL reports out of washington to the liberal networks to bring trump down. That concerns me most of all.. It should you too when our government can spy on it’s citizens and then leak it to whomever they chose.When they bring forth facts that PUTIN directly ordered interference in election that affected the outcome then I will be just as pissed as you, just like i was at all the proven shenanigans that were done by Hilary people during campaign, even to bernie.. Let me remind you someone tried to also hack RNC as the RNC said so earlier but their security was so much better than DNC they didn’t succeed.. so stop getting all excited until all the facts come out since FBI has said numerous times Trump was not in cahoots or involved with Russia.. How do they know that if they were not spying on him. how did they learn of Flynn if they were not SPYING ON trump’s people.. LOL.. common sense my friend….
Patricia Allton —-“When they bring forth facts that PUTIN directly ordered interference in election that affected the outcome then I will be just as pissed as you,”—You mean like this, right ???—
Len Hudson It’s starting to look like we need a good old fashioned revolution except that we have too many people in america also fighting each other and too many directions they are heading in. that’s what happens when we mixed the pot but allowed everyone cultures to take over the country instead of assimilate into our.. Reason I feel it’s too late.
I agree mostly…..I keep hearing that Beatles song in my head….Gonna Be A Revolution…….lol