After repeatedly trying to get Americans to think that ISIS wasn’t a threat — remember, he called them the “JV team — Obama’s ISIS lie is losing credibility by the day.
If last week’s terrorist attacks weren’t proof enough that ISIS is a credible, dangerous threat to national security across the globe, a new report from the Associated Press reveals that they have their sights set on something even more deadly: chemical weapons.
Still, Obama continues to lie and say they have been “contained,” while the rest of the world sees they are only growing in power. They’re doing so in spite of — or perhaps because of — Obama’s weak foreign policy.
One must wonder what his motives are. With credible intelligence pointing toward a growing, more dangerous ISIS, why does Obama sit idly by as the western world gets slaughtered?
To see the Associated Press’s report, continue reading on the next page:
thats my boy
The only “JV” team is the Obummer administration…
JV & contained oh yes, tell some more lies
These people need to show their faces. Cowards.
In a shameful display of partisan obstruction, the Mitch McConnell led Senate Republicans a blocked a bill that would have improved veterans benefits.
Senate Republicans blocked the veterans bill by using a procedural maneuver to invoke the 60 vote rule. The final vote to waive the budget point of order failed, 56-41. Only two Republicans (Sen. Dean Heller and Sen. Jerry Moran) joined with Democrats on the vote.
Republicans claimed that they blocked the bill because Majority Leader Harry Reid would not allow an up or down vote on an amendment that would have attached sanctions on Iran to the bill.
Sen. Reid said, “I hope all the veterans groups have witnessed all the contortions the Republicans have done to defeat this bill. Shame on Republicans for bringing base politics into a bill to help veterans.”
The chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee, Sen. Bernie Sanders, said,
The only message that can be taken away from today’s vote is that Senate Republicans think it is more important to deny President Obama a “win” than it is to help our nation’s veterans. The bill contained provisions that would restore the COLA for vets, and protect them from losing their benefits in the event of another government shutdown. It also would have authorized the construction of 27 new clinics and medical facilities, and it would have provided tuition assistance to post-9/11 vets.
It is the kind of legislation that used to be a no brainer, but it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the same group of Republicans who think that they shouldn’t have to pay the nation’s bills also want to renege on their obligations to our veterans.
Senate Republicans committed a disgraceful betrayal of the promise that has been made to those who put their lives on the line for this country. I hope this is a wake up call for vets who think that the Republican Party has their interests at heart.
The Republican Party doesn’t care about veterans. This vote stabbed veterans in the back, and should make every vet question why they would ever vote Republican.
ISIS didn’t exist before obama. Really people…
No nukes! Don’t contaminate the oilfields!
Burt Gummerfan The seeds were put in the ground before, they started coming up during. It’s not like someone waved a magic wand and “poof” they appeared. But that is how conservatives think. “Poof” the world was made in 7 days right?
If Obama claims that isis is merely a handful of bad guys and are contained then this so called 65 nation coalition should be able to wipe isis out during their lunch break. So why haven’t they?