After repeatedly trying to get Americans to think that ISIS wasn’t a threat — remember, he called them the “JV team — Obama’s ISIS lie is losing credibility by the day.
If last week’s terrorist attacks weren’t proof enough that ISIS is a credible, dangerous threat to national security across the globe, a new report from the Associated Press reveals that they have their sights set on something even more deadly: chemical weapons.
Still, Obama continues to lie and say they have been “contained,” while the rest of the world sees they are only growing in power. They’re doing so in spite of — or perhaps because of — Obama’s weak foreign policy.
One must wonder what his motives are. With credible intelligence pointing toward a growing, more dangerous ISIS, why does Obama sit idly by as the western world gets slaughtered?
To see the Associated Press’s report, continue reading on the next page:
time to bomb them to hell
Only makes sense they have used them before they will use them again.
Hussein permots them,he is one of them.
NUKE the Middle East Now!
What’s new?
These people need to be sterilized.
Early Christmas presents from O.
Better yet: NEUTRALIZED!!!
Please message this liberal and tell him it’s not ok to tell vets to kill themselves.