The New Black Panther Party has already been urging followers to “bomb nurseries to kill babies” and “kill all whites”. It appears that Antifa is also looking to step up their game in the coming week. At least in rhetoric, Antifa is ready to take the “final solution” when it comes to eradicating whites and capitalism from society.
It’s no secret George Soros and his ‘organizations’ play an ungodly role in stirring up racial division in America.
That is why the recent threat from Antifa to behead certain members of society throughout America is so alarming. How long till we start seeing liberal basketcases completely crack and start taking these death wishes as commands?
Certain businesses and families will be targeted on the upcoming date shared on the next page. Violence starts with rhetoric. Antifa cells all over the nation are being instructed to go out and perform certain acts of violence against those who stand in the way of a socialist republic, including innocent children on account of their skin color.
Head on over to the next page to find out what Antifa is planning to do to small business owners and white people this week:
f**e news
And you really think you’ll get away with this? Bahahaha bahahaha bahahaha
Creeps,you are not worth a post.
Capitalism isn’t theonly reason that More people have more money, more opportunities to make money, and why we all have some form of housing.
How is this not domestic terrorism? I think the American people hav heard enough. Time to solve this problem and make our neighborhoods and cities safe again. Bring in the National guard against these terrorists if needed
And the sad thing is, liberals and the liberal media actually take their side by not condemning these radical idiots, but actually seem to condone their evilness. What does that say about them?
Bring it to TX and not Austin or a liberal place in TX bring it to the small towns of TX and we will be eating chilly for awhile.
And pack a lunch
Remember “THEY” wanted and opined for this. But all the cities they listed are Liberal friendly, so………………..