Even after Antifa’s totally fascist rampage against free speech advocates and Trump supporters in Berkeley, California, last weekend, some politicians and media figures continue to seem conflicted about the anarchist group.
Media dupes like Chuck Todd of NBC have hosted Antifa representatives to come to the air and spew their nonsense while totally hiding the group’s true objective.
Even worse, Republican turncoats like Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio got suckered into defending Antifa, even in the face of overwhelming evidence of the group’s violent nature.
Yesterday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi came out with the unequivocal condemnation of Antifa that ultimately shamed Paul Ryan into following suit.
Anyone who’s followed the group and watched its evolution into a mob of violent thugs, beginning with the group’s felony behavior at President Donald Trump’s inauguration in January, knows full well what the ultimate end game is for Antifa. Find out more on the next page.
Does Antifa really want to a battle with DEPLORABLES!!!
Arrest them someone do your job
I’ve been warning of this since Occupy. It’s a socialist Coup.
If they take action to carryout that goal, then they are a true enemy of the USA, and, as such must be destroyed. I do hope that is not the case. Without funding, the Antigua terrorists will fizzle out like a wet firecracker..
They are just thug anarchist! Nothing more. I say we turn the FBI and CIA , Black ops and US military on them!
Put them in jail
Idiots. There are Many more of us Americans than these Soros whores.
These mongrel terrorists, #Antifa, need to be put down! Throw them in GITMO!
Peace of$#%&!@*thugs
More f**e news…there really isn’t an organization called antifa, that’s another right wing creation. Our whole country better be anti-fascists after what my grandfathers and Uncles fought for in Europe and the South Pacific!!!!