Even after Antifa’s totally fascist rampage against free speech advocates and Trump supporters in Berkeley, California, last weekend, some politicians and media figures continue to seem conflicted about the anarchist group.
Media dupes like Chuck Todd of NBC have hosted Antifa representatives to come to the air and spew their nonsense while totally hiding the group’s true objective.
Even worse, Republican turncoats like Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio got suckered into defending Antifa, even in the face of overwhelming evidence of the group’s violent nature.
Yesterday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi came out with the unequivocal condemnation of Antifa that ultimately shamed Paul Ryan into following suit.
Anyone who’s followed the group and watched its evolution into a mob of violent thugs, beginning with the group’s felony behavior at President Donald Trump’s inauguration in January, knows full well what the ultimate end game is for Antifa. Find out more on the next page.
And the will get their asses fucked up!!! Period!!!
then how about America destroying ANTIFA now?
But like the radical islamist muslims, if we only embrace them and seek to understand them we can all live together in piece. Sure we can. I swore an oath in 1976 to defend this nation from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. My oath will never expire and I will never rescind my oath. God help those who seek to destroy what I honorably and proudly defend.
It time for the national guard to step in and beat the living hell out of these stupid people
BRING IT !! I need more targets!
Gun them fuckers down, bulldoze the trenches and toss them in. Add diesel and a road flare.
Soros is funding them and BLM among others.
We are going to have to TEAR THEM A NEW ONE!
Live target’s
Y’all better start taking these people seriously they are getting better organized as time goes on and our DOJ BETTER GET OFF THEIR ASSES and DO THEIR JOB it’s very simple take the ones who are giving them money and disband within a month