It’s all fun and games until somebody brings up the Illuminati. Apparently not even can they give Donald Trump the 1,237 delegates needed for the Republican nomination, at least according to anti-Trump Super Pac founder Katie Packer. In an interview with Craig Melvin on MSNBC Live Tuesday she insisted that there is “virtually no mechanism to hand the nomination to a candidate that doesn’t have a majority”.
After what many are calling a “bad week” Trump’s numbers have dipped slightly. As of right now, he doesn’t represent fifty percent plus one of the Republican electorate. It’s no secret that establishment Republicans aren’t exactly a fan of Donald Trump, but when the moment comes that they have to pick a nominee, they’re going to be stuck in between a rock and a hard place.
If memory serves, they don’t exactly like Ted Cruz, either. And while neither of these candidates might be pleasing to them, it’s important to remember that they created this situation. Their petty squabbling and infighting allowed this scenario to bloom.
Watch the interview on the next page.
Not the Congress or the Senate or any one will do the right thing because they think there the Mob… Or pay some big Money to who ever needs to be getting stack of ching and then maybe We The People have been crushed because a Non-American is in office and Cruze it trying to do that Routine again. “Cruze Sealed his Birth Certificate He was born ANOTHER ONE
Where is the link so I can read the hole article…very interesting..
Donald J. Trump withstood the onslaught of the establishment yet again. Lyin’ Ted Cruz had the Governor of Wisconsin, many conservative talk radio show hosts, and the entire party apparatus behind him. Not only was he propelled by the anti-Trump Super PAC’s spending countless millions of dollars on false advertising against Mr. Trump, but he was coordinating `with his own Super PAC’s (which is illegal) who totally control him. Ted Cruz is worse than a puppet— he is a Trojan horse, being used by the party bosses attempting to steal the nomination from Mr. Trump.
We have total confidence that Mr. Trump will go on to win in New York, where he holds a substantial lead in all the polls, and beyond. Mr. Trump is the only candidate who can secure the delegates needed to win the Republican nomination and ultimately defeat Hillary Clinton, or whomever is the Democratic nominee, in order to Make America Great Again.
From memory the Anti-Trump campaign is headed by Jane Fonda the traitor. Not this person. Are they affraid to show her face?
This is whats wrong in America…Crooked politicians. This is exactly why America wants Mr. Trump …Our government WILL do this to him…To us… They have to be stopped, I would love to wipe that smile right off her face… Amazing how proud she is of being an under-handed crook.
fuq the illuminatii
Gop is done