Last week’s violent protest that shut down a Donald Trump rally marked, for some, one of the ugliest moments in modern American politics. Thousands of people successfully silenced the speech of a major Presidential candidate with threats of chaos and violence, and with it stripped both he and his supporters’ rights to free, political speech.
Apparently, it was just the beginning.
Now those behind the mass uprising against Trump are promising more: more shut downs, more chaos, and more violence.
Of course, why wouldn’t they? Not only do these people — evidently Sanders supporters backed by George Soros — not respect the free speech of their political opponents, but they walked away from last week’s protest practically unscathed.
They incited the violence, and yet the media attacked Trump.
With that sort of support — or at least lack of condemnation — more protests are all but guaranteed.
See where they plan to strike next on the next page:
rioting for peace if the ppl don’t want him take him out of the elections y keep this going the masses are not happy
this is what the liberals want, so martial law can be imposed and end all freedom in America.
Police have been told to stand down in chicago by there mayor
Hell yeah!
They are paid thugs. Stop giving them attention and they lose.
Thats why we need guns..
They are welfare bums
Trump está indo contra todo o stablishment esquerdista americano que cravou as garras na Casa Branca e em muitas instituições. Por isso essa reação extrema dos liberais (no Brasil chamados de “esquerdistas”): eles estão vendo que a população acordou e sabe que The New Left é inimiga da América e do Ocidente. Eles farão de tudo para aniquilar Trump: tudo mesmo. Aqui no Brasil estamos tentando nos livrar do PT/Lula e todos os partidos socialistas mas eles estão resistindo. Trump na América e Bolsonaro no Brasil são a esperança para milhões de patriotas que amam a democracia e o Ocidente.
These are cop haters, paid protesters from BLM and Black Panthers. Lazy thugs with no intentions of living responsible lives. Most aren’t smart enough to understand what’s happening in this country. They need to be arrested
Stupid idiots !!