Last week’s violent protest that shut down a Donald Trump rally marked, for some, one of the ugliest moments in modern American politics. Thousands of people successfully silenced the speech of a major Presidential candidate with threats of chaos and violence, and with it stripped both he and his supporters’ rights to free, political speech.
Apparently, it was just the beginning.
Now those behind the mass uprising against Trump are promising more: more shut downs, more chaos, and more violence.
Of course, why wouldn’t they? Not only do these people — evidently Sanders supporters backed by George Soros — not respect the free speech of their political opponents, but they walked away from last week’s protest practically unscathed.
They incited the violence, and yet the media attacked Trump.
With that sort of support — or at least lack of condemnation — more protests are all but guaranteed.
See where they plan to strike next on the next page:
Can’t wait.
Go home to mommy you little cry babies
Their actions are a federal offence…
Just means more votes for the Trumpster.
I wonder how much they are getting paid? Or is that they are being threatened to loose their welfare money…
What say we put a stop to these protestors with the same action they want to put a stop to us supporters with?? I think they will get the message very quickly!!h
I like how you think but unfortunately you as many don’t understand the true definition o an anarchist or how the word is used…. Perhaps you should understand a word before using it or using it in a fraudulent redefined manner
Stop using the word “Anarchist” “I don’t think it means what you think it means”
You are also playing into their hands because this type of altercation is exactly what they want in order to cause a divide and file violence so they can take control “for our safety” don’t be tools
People who are disrupting travel, terrorizing people and assaulting or threatening them should be arrested and charged by Law Enforcement and not dealt with in any way by the public….
This division is what’s desired, turning to violence is what’s desired so they can step in for “our safety” and turn full tyranny and Police State…
These ignorant Jack asses are tools being manipulated for and end that none of us desires… Don’t fall prey to the manipulation, don’t be a Tool to end our Republic…..
We are the Natural and framed lLeaders of this Nation…. Not our Servants and Representatives… We The People are the Boss here so don’t act like their Bitches
Terroristic threats. Why are they not in jail? Oh wait. obama’s buddies are doing their best to give obama a reason to declare martial law.