Last week’s violent protest that shut down a Donald Trump rally marked, for some, one of the ugliest moments in modern American politics. Thousands of people successfully silenced the speech of a major Presidential candidate with threats of chaos and violence, and with it stripped both he and his supporters’ rights to free, political speech.
Apparently, it was just the beginning.
Now those behind the mass uprising against Trump are promising more: more shut downs, more chaos, and more violence.
Of course, why wouldn’t they? Not only do these people — evidently Sanders supporters backed by George Soros — not respect the free speech of their political opponents, but they walked away from last week’s protest practically unscathed.
They incited the violence, and yet the media attacked Trump.
With that sort of support — or at least lack of condemnation — more protests are all but guaranteed.
See where they plan to strike next on the next page:
That will only prove TRUMP’S POINT. Hillary hired you ALL!
Four Barrett 50cal, strategically placed, 8 240s, protest over!
the repubs don’t bother the dem. but the liberals think they are the rulers of the country, and they are losing to Trump, so they are trying to keep people from hearing the truth,, well we can fight back and the liberals won’t like how we fight freedom for all to vote the way they want and for who
Hey isn’t that against the law!! What law you ask!
Call out national guard and take care of bisiness
I would Ike to have a bunch of smoke bombs. Put them
In tin cans light them up and throw them towards the crowd and watch them run !
Let a group of trump supporters block hillary and watch the FBI and police come running. I bet that they never excuse hillary and all her Redick talking. Double standard is getting completely out of hand.
Thin that herd ! SHOOT THEM.