Video evidence that it is Trump haters, not Trump supporters, who are responsible for the growing violence at election events across the nation continues to mount.
The most recent incident of protestors brutalizing fans of the GOP frontrunner occurred in New York City, where a middle-aged Trump supporter offered his services to teach the demonstrators how to use firearms. He said that ISIS is here in America, so they need to know how to defend themselves.
Yet the protestors chose to pour scorn on the man and his claim, shouting “Love trumps hate,” as if the man was bigoted for wanting to help people learn how to defend themselves. At one point, they even accused Trump of being racist, a claim that the man took it upon himself to refute.
The demonstrators were not interested in what the man had to say though, and proceeded to surround and push up against him. Taken aback by this clearly aggressive behavior, the man raised his hands and shoved the demonstrators right back.
Watch the video on the next page:
They are paid muggers and riot causing individuals paid by Hillary Clinton’s group and backers! Some have admitted as such.
Liberal tolerance.
Children- Kahlil Gibran (revised)
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters
of the … Government
They come through you
but not from you,
And though they are with you
yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love
but not your thoughts,
For they have their … government … thoughts.
You may house their bodies
but not their .. socialist/communist … souls,
if Democrats or Liberals or whatever you want to call them SOBS, want to punch, push and injure it is our turn to push back – no one one sided$#%&!@*in this Country. They get what they deserve and that is fair play in this country.
Be careful for the skill of community organizer as in Obama/Democrat/socialist/adaptive communist/big government:
Your children may be brainwashed and become violent to work for them:
Please, think about it. He’s there to show how dumb they are and they never disappoint.
ALL of them are a bunch of thugs, including trump.