Those anti-Trump demonstrators who have promised violence at the inauguration festivities have not disappointed. Without either the ability or willingness to express a coherent or persuasive argument against Mr. Trump, they have taken the low-road to expressing their anger by initiating violence. It’s something of an act of desperation by protestors turned criminals as they display a greater desire to ruin things for others than to make a principled stand as opponents.
Needless to say, none of this unrest has stopped Mr. Trump from being inaugurated as president. Nor should it have been expected to. Even several thousand malcontents throwing rocks and setting trash cans on fire are no match for the security precautions and personnel deployed during these inaugural ceremonies. What they do accomplish though are two things: They get themselves arrested and/or injured, and they give anti-Trump forces a bad name.
That the demonstrations turned violent already on Thursday evening came as no surprise. More on page two.
Cigarette?….blindfold?…last words?….
Poor orange snowflakes
Stupid is as stupid does !!!
Too bad they have been led to believe that they are above the law. Now they are learning otherwise the hard way and are getting just what they deserve.
When the losing party is burning cars, smashing windows, and attacking police officers on Inauguration Day, you know you made the right choice.
All that and you wake up behind bars. And find out trump is still your president…priceless
Somehow i expected such tolerant and progressive ideologies to be far less violent and bloody! Maybe im the one doing this whole “love and tolerance” thing wrong…..?
Um. Nope. Its you. Go directly to jail do not pass go do not collect $200 (or whatever the going rate is these days for criminal asshats)
Thing OF it TRUMP is still your president people your protest doesn’t change anything but look like hurting your self. SORRY GUYS THIS IS YOUR PRESIDENT !!!!!!!