For the past several weeks, news of our current presidential campaigns have been more or less the same. The media still hates Donald Trump, and Hillary Clinton is still a liar.
While some see hope in Trump, others see destruction and seek refuge in Clinton. As for those who are undecided, well . . . there’s a new player on the field.
Various sources are reporting that former CIA officer, Evan McMullin is joining the race as an independent. During his announcement, he took aim and fired at both Trump and Clinton, saying that with our nation on the line, he could, “no longer sit on the sidelines.”
As far as his credentials are concerned, McMullin graduated from Brigham Young University in 2001 and attained a an MBA from the Wharton School of Business in 2011. Add that onto his career as a counterterrorism officer in the CIA.
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Cia shoud say it all corrupt
there is already a third option…GARY… Gary Johnson fairs better in all polls than either fanatical ego maniac currently on the docket
Idiot-moron!!! Wants to continue open borders and the F American workers moron trade deals!! Mr Goldman (with no ball Sachs) is a whore$#%&!@*owned by Wall Street and big greedy corporations!!!
Who fucking cares about hes only their to sift votes from trump remember that..
He’d be perfect with his background with Goldman Sachs he can keep the elitist establishment going for another four years at least Trump no matter what
As i ammasking/. Whois he,where did he come from,what does he stand for??/ If he wanted to be president, why didnt he spend his money and enter the primaries???
Stay out of the way you douchebags they try to steal this election from Trump and we the people are going to be Mighty pissed off and we outnumber the government 60 – 1 they don’t want to fight
Mr. Ryan and Mr. McCain if you and the establishment don’t get behind our nominee not yours and we lose this electon to Hilliary Clinton. I promise you we will not forget what you and the establishment did to us and America if you or any of you are even thinking about running in 2020. We have a long memory. If the American people get sucked in by Hilliary’s lies and corruption shame on you. When most of your rights will be taken away and given to the muslims, black lives matter group, special interests, bathroom laws, second and first amendent because Hilliary said Sunday she would have the power to change it without congress if she needs too. You better listen and study real hard at her speeches. Who is going to pay for all this free stuff, how are people going to pay high rates for the continuing Obama care and now she is going to raise taxes for the middle class. People better start worrying about how they are ever going to be able to start saving money, I just don’t see it with her crazy promises. Donald may be loud sometimes, but at least he tells it like it is. Why aren’t the media talking about Mr Khan’s background and what he believes it. He is an attorney for a group who supports terrorism, he has ties with the clinton foundation. He does bill and hilliary’s taxes. He helped revised the Islam law. If he believes in the Islam law then he certainly doesn’t believe in the consititution. People you better wake up if you want to get America back. I don’t want to hear anymore about Mr. Khan. He is now running his mouth all over palestine dowing our nonimation. Do you think we the people are dumb? Do you not think we think for ourselves and do our own research? Do you really believe we put and trust in the liberal media? You are just the ones we are wanting out.
A pimple to be popped. Steam roll-um Trump..
He won’t even make the debates!