In a PSA created by the San Francisco-based production company, Sleeper 13, children are encouraged to steal their parents gun, take it to school and turn it over to their parents.
This not only encourages children to break several laws, but puts their safety at risk.
The boy is shown opening the drawer to his mother’s dresser, where a handgun is hidden.
The boy takes the gun from the dresser and leaves the room. The ad then flashes to his school. Sitting in a classroom, the boy ventures up to his teacher’s desk after the rest of his classmates have left.
The tension building in the scene breaks, and the boy produces the gun from his backpack, slamming it on his startled teacher’s desk.
“Can you take this away? I don’t feel safe with a gun in my house,” the boy says.
What the ad-makers are encouraging is highly illegal and invites danger.
The boy would be guilty of weapons theft, illegal concealed carry and carrying a weapon on school property.
The ad’s director, Rejina Sencic, took to Twitter to taunt those she says are “afraid to share” her ad.
Lot of people are afraid to share my PSA! If you are not a coward please share … … #gunviolence
— Rejina Sincic (@QueenSincic) December 17, 2014
Requests for comment made to Sleeper 13 Productions and to Sincic were not immediately returned.
Those telling kids to steal are guilty of accomplice of those grand thefts and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
It’s just so typicaly liberal. The anti-gun crowd cry about killing kids, then promote the idea that kids should steal guns? How insane can you get?
soon these muslim pigs and obama will pay for this …this is a crime punishale by the people of the united states of america no executive laws needed . you will see
Keep your firearms locked up when not in use and don’t give them access to your finger safe and everything will be fine!!
Ah Joe, here are the gun grabbers!! JEWISH GUN CONTROL IN THE UNITED STATE : LEGISLAT…:
It is the Zionists that are behind gun control, not the Moslems!! It is beyond me why so many “Christians” support Israel and Zionism, but turn a blind eye to this!!
This is soooo stupid.
If a kid wants to steal the parents’ gun, they will anyway, for whatever reason, and since when do you take or give guns to a school? Strange request. Who are these teachers or school principal?
This is not about getting “unsafe” guns out of the home, this is about creating felons!! The point is to nullify the 2nd amendment by creating an entire generation of felons that cannot purchase a firearm!!
your an idiot!!!! most children raised with guins in the household know and understand the dangers of guns and the respect for life….you sir are a complete moron and have no clue!!!